In News

Exciting Days for Libenu


Kulanu: All of Us

The weather was snowy with a 100% chance of fun! The inaugural Kulanu Shabbaton this past weekend was a huge success! Participants enjoyed a wonderful weekend away at Camp Nageela, while their parents and families had a much-needed break from the constant demands of caregiving.

Heartfelt thanks to the incredible staff and volunteers who elevated Shabbat for all of us with beautiful singing and dancing – they truly made this special weekend unforgettable!

From the Friday afternoon hayride to the Motzei Shabbat pizza party, from the Sunday ropes course to candle-making, a great time was had by all.

One participant’s parent said: “We cannot begin to express our gratitude for the love, joy, and fun you provided our child this weekend. As the parents of a child with special needs, we obviously enjoy the respite a weekend like this gives our family, but more than anything we are so appreciative that you give our son a place to have fun and be a part of the community.

“It was so clear that he had the time of his life at camp this weekend. Hearing from you, Shana, and other volunteers about how our son was laughing and enjoying the singing and bonding with the other kids and counselors meant the world to us and our family.”

Kulanu is a collaborative project of Libenu, Keshet, Yachad, and Camp Nageela Midwest.


Good Deeds Day

On April 3rd, all the Libenu residential clients participated in the international Good Deeds Day, an day of volunteering to help the world become a better place. Beginning in 2007, its mission is to unite people from around the world in doing good deeds for others and the planet.

Libenu’s residents participated in full force to help our local Jewish community by volunteering at The ARK. The ladies and gentlemen of Libenu sorted food, prepped the “to-go” bags, and toured the pantry to learn more about how their volunteering helps make a big impact. To quote one of our residents, “This is tikkun olam. This is our responsibility.”


Libenu Takes the Stage with ICJA

On Tuesday night, April 5th, the Libenu women participated in ICJA Takes the Stage, a spectacular, inclusive arts and fashion experience for Jewish teens and women.

Prior to the program, the Libenu women joined ICJA students for dinner, hairstyling, and makeup. At the event, the Libenu women walked the runway as they modeled unique designs and represented Libenu.

The loud cheers and applause from the audience made the ladies feel a true sense of belonging and appreciation, and the emcees made each model feel beautiful and special.

Libenu’s very own Charlotte also sang with her peers in the choir at the production. Kudos to the ICJA students for coordinating such a wonderful event, where women with disabilities had a chance to shine. It was a true celebration of inclusion, empowerment, and love.

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