• Every Jewish adult with I/DD who wants to live in a Libenu home and whose needs can be met has that
• The community recognizes individuals with I/DD as a vital part of the community and actively reaches out
to involve and employ them
• Libenu residents have numerous options for meaningful volunteer opportunities
• Every family who needs respite support can access services
• Families have the support they need to raise their children with a peaceful heart and mind
• Volunteers are fully trained and enriched by their meaningful work
• High school students are actively engaged and inspired by volunteering for Libenu
• The community is dedicated to supporting and sustaining Libenu
• Libenu provides a model for inclusive communities
• Libenu invests in program growth to meet the needs of individuals with I/DD and their families in a
financially responsible way, including assessing the full costs to ensure funding to build, achieve Mission,
and sustain quality